Credit Education

What Does Marriage Mean for Your Credit?

Marriage means a lot of things: love, happiness… and a merging of finances. If you’re a newlywed or about to tie the knot, you may have questions regarding your credit and new financial situation. Here are answers to a few of the most common questions for new spouses. When I get married, will my spouse…


Financial Steps to Take as You Prepare for Retirement

The clock is ticking down to your last few weeks on the job. Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of a long career. So how can you make sure your retirement plans and financial future are intact? By taking some time to make a few preparations before clocking out for the last time. Review Your Anticipated…


Student Loans Don’t Necessarily Lead to A Degree

When most people decide to take out a student loan, they probably anticipate that a degree and a well-paying job will inevitably follow. But a new report from the Federal Reserve shows otherwise. Not only do student loans not necessarily correlate with earning your diploma, but not graduating correlates with a higher incidence of default…


Ways to Build Credit Without Credit Cards

One of the most intelligent ways to access credit and benefit from it is by turning to the responsible use of credit cards. However, the unconventional and unplanned use of credit cards can lead to a wasteful lifestyle which can mess up one’s credit rating score. An unarguable fact is that credit cards offer one…


Stop Believing These Emergency Fund Myths

-You’re never too old: you can always get start building an emergency fund regardless of your age. The purpose is to make sure you have backup money in case something bad or unexpected happens. This can happen at anytime regardless of age. -You’re not too young: Bad things also happen to young people. You can…


3 Consequences Of Declaring Bankruptcy You May Not Know About

Declaring bankruptcy can be a good safety net when debts get out of control, but here are a few things to consider before doing so: -Some people are too poor to declare bankruptcy: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy basically means that a person doesn’t have enough money to pay their bills. The process of…


Longer Shipping Lines Because Of Credit Card Chips

A new credit card chip technology known as EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa), meant to protect against data hacks has been introduced in the US. This has resulted in longer lines at checkouts because consumers are adapting to the change. These cards have been used in Europe for many years, and involves putting the card…


Many Actions Can Affect Your Business Credit

Investors regularly request business credit reports. It is important to understand how business credit reporting agencies work, and to monitor your company reports regularly. Your company reports list what types of credit your company has, the length of time the accounts have been opened and if bills are being paid on time. This information is…


Your Credit Score Is Probably Wrong: Blame The Confusing Credit Score System

There are many credit score models in the US which means your score could fluctuate 100 points or more. Ever wonder why they car dealership’s credit score came back 50 points lower than you had initially expected? Many consumers who monitor their scores on free credit reports are often confused when lenders pull different figures….


Start Your Debt Repayment Plan With These 4 Tips

Paying down debt is a very popular goal. Getting to that zero balance takes hard work, but here’s4 ways to make the task easier: 1 Don’t forget your other resolutions – Reevaluate your budget – are there things you can cut out in order to free up more cash which can go toward debt repayment?…



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