Credit Education

Nerdwallet Credit

Piggybacking on a Credit Card The best way to piggyback on someone’s credit is to ask a family member with excellent credit to add your name as a user on their card. This way, you become qualified for a card even if your credit history is thin or nonexistent based on their favorable credit. Often…


A Credit Score is Made Up of Many Complex Parts of Consumer Information

The amount of available credit a person uses in relation to how much credit they are eligible for is one part. Habits of prompt payment and maintaining a balance below the limit also factor in. In addition, the number and type of credit accounts play a part in a credit score. For those who are…


Credit Score Less Than Perfect? Here’s How to Shop for a Mortgage

When shopping for a home loan, consumers need to know where they stand with their FICO score to better gauge their chance of loan acceptance. It’s common knowledge that lenders want to see good credit history, but the factors playing into that are more detailed. And exactly how strong your score is can mean the…


Knowing Your Credit Score is Perhaps the Most Important Part of Being a Smart Consumer

Currently most credit card companies, as well as credit agencies themselves, provide a credit score service to inform consumers where they stand. For the majority, your credit score will remain steady as long as you continue with good credit habits, and you can expect your score to rise over time. But what if it doesn’t?…


Diving Deeper Into Your FICO Score

If you are among the millions of people applying for an auto loan this year, the first thing any lender is going to want to know about you is your credit score. It’s the magic number that determines who will lend to you and set the terms of the loan. As you probably know, your…


How’s Your Driving? Ask FICO.

Every US consumer who has used any form of credit knows the name FICO for the way it sizes up their worthiness as a borrower. The number they assign to a consumer’s credit has an incredible amount of power. This score determines your eligibility for a loan, home mortgage, or other types of credit. Those…


Which Credit Score Do I Need to Check?

Let’s be honest: when it comes to your credit score, there are only two numbers that matter: the three digit score itself and how much you have to fork over to access it. Simply put, the type of credit score you get doesn’t matter (e.g. Vantage or FICO), or where it comes from, so long…


If You Want Good Credit, Here Are 10 Steps You Need to Take

Could you tell me what your credit score is right now without looking it up? If not, then we have a problem. The effects of your credit score are far reaching, and a low score can have a negative impact on your financial health. Most people know that their credit score affects their ability to…


If You Need to Improve Your Credit Score Fast, Here’s How to Do It

For many people, the magical number is 760. This is the credit score where you are most likely to receive the best interest rates on a line of credit or a mortgage. Even if you are looking to rent a home or apartment, as opposed to buying, it will be difficult to obtain decent housing…


5 Steps to Improving Poor Credit

Everyone knows what a credit score is and why it is important to have an excellent one. The bad news is that most people struggle with achieving this goal. This particularly true for college students and recent college graduates. Why do young people struggle with developing a good credit score? Before you can begin to…



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